Riding Gears

Riding Gears Its an essential aspect of riding. Though it makes a passionate rider to shell out extra bugs but consider that its worth to invest in these gears for safety and comfort in the long run. Helmet: The first riding gear to have before one should buy a bike is a helmet. Personally, I bought my first helmet before my first 100 cc bike. My first helmet was Vega off-road helmet with a dark visor in 1996. When I started touring in my bike I realized that double visor is essential with outer plain glass and inner tinted glass visor to ride during a sunny day and in a night. always give importance for ISI or DOT certified branded helmets. The one I have now is STUDD's Shifter helmet cost around 2100/- always measure your head circumference and go for a tight fitting helmet size which doesn't rotate after wearing it in the head (something which I learnt the importance, over the years) some brands like steel bird provide iridium vis...