Riding Gears

Riding Gears
    Its an essential aspect of riding. Though it makes a passionate rider to shell out extra bugs but consider that its worth to invest in these gears for safety and comfort in the long run.

    The first riding gear to have before one should buy a bike is a helmet. Personally, I bought my first helmet before my first 100 cc bike. My first helmet was Vega off-road helmet with a dark visor in 1996. When I started touring in my bike I realized that double visor is essential with outer plain glass and inner tinted glass visor to ride during a sunny day and in a night. always give importance for ISI or DOT certified branded helmets. The one I have now is STUDD's  Shifter helmet cost around 2100/- always measure your head circumference and go for a tight fitting helmet size which doesn't rotate after wearing it in the head (something which I learnt the importance, over the years)
some brands like steel bird provide iridium visors at lower cost but I have no experience to comment on it. If one can extend the budget, opt for LS2 helmet. SHOEI and ARAI are good but on the expensive end.

Riding Jacket:
     For a long time, I used to assume that a riding jacket is just a style statement for a rider. I felt, how could one ride in hot humid weather with such a jacket. convinced by one of my biker friends, who stressed upon protective Armour that is in the riding jacket, I ended up buying Spartan Pro gear Aspida jacket for 5500/- (Now its available for 4500/- on sale). It comes with rain liner and warmer which can be removed. but I prefer using it all together even in sunny summer days as it prevents evaporation of sweat and also provides a much cooling effect when air enters and circulates in a controlled manner while riding. I remove it only when I take a break at pit-stops. Apart from protection on fall with interposed armour on shoulders, spine and elbow, the jacket also prevents dehydration by sealing excessive sweat evaporation when riding with a jacket in summer. It does not really protect like a Raincoat when raining but could protect from light showers. provides some amount of warmth on morning cold. but would not be good enough for Leh- Ladakh trips. the tight fitting of Riding jacket will give the experience of comfort riding without fluttering shirts and tees which would take away the riding pleasure ( can experience this difference on long rides)

Jackets from Rynox and Crammster are also good. It provides the same features at around this price tag of 4000- 5500/-. The higher the price value, the material Cordura quality and leather increases and also the use of C.E rated armour go from grade 1 to grade 2.

Riding Pants:
 Many riders prefer jeans and wear knee guards on top of it (personally, I would like to avoid this Robot look). Ultimately riding in jeans is more comfortable but compromising on safety standards. Like Jackets the riding pants also come with outer Cordura layer with an inner mesh layer and a rain liner. There will be air vents which open like side pockets, that allows circulation of air within the pants while riding. the riding pants offer protection from harsh weather, rain and during unexpected fall from the bike. Usually riding pants come with CE rated knee guards and thigh pads. Some pants offer cushion at weight-bearing seating area of the hip bone (ischium of the pelvis). The one I use is Crammster velocity 2.0 all season riding pants cost around 6000/-.

At this price, there are options in Rynox, Spartans Pro gear, and in planet DSG. But Crammster velocity pant and Rynox pant are more common among riders.  Always make sure to measure your waist and not hip size before buying the riding pants. the regular pants measure the hip size and the waist size of individuals is always plus one inch or more than that from hip size. Note that, the riding pants do not stretch.

Riding Gloves:
   Started with Probiker gloves for Rs 280/- After using the gloves which reduced the callouses (hard skin form in the palm like manual labourer), I got the interest to buy a more protective and authentic riding glove and bought Crammster TRG2 full gauntlet glove.
I have done a study in and the result always pointed towards a reduction in hand function with the use of gloves.

So, its of my opinion that Glove is for protection and not for enhancing hand grip or hand function.

Riding Boots:
Riding boots were always fascinating for a rider and I ain't no exception. But the price tag kept me off for a long time. And then, when I got the contact of Mr.Anwar, Periamet, Chennai, I was interested to buy his brand Motowear boots. the boots he offered for 7000/- which was same as found in biking brotherhood for 8500/- and in Rio by Spartan Pro gear for 13,000/-
spartan program 9975/-

Biking Brotherhood 8500/-

MotoWear 7000/-

the above boots are for track racing and do have air vents and do not have water repellent layer inside. Anwar (Ph 9884387771) makes Boots and sells for others with their brand stickers and Logos on it.
I opted for touring boots which was much cheaper from Anwar for 2500/- also it had rain resistant layer and primarily meant for touring.

moto wear touring 2500/-

This same model boots in online costs 6800/- and above with flashy stickers around.


  1. Nice and informative write-up about riding gears. I'm still in the 'Robot stage' where I ride with jeans and knee guard and industrial safety shoes ;) Looking forward to getting my wardrobe complete.

  2. Thanks Jacob for introducing me to pin lock mechanism in helmet visors. Definitely it is a pleasure to ride with a clear visor on rainy day. I am looking forward to buy a budget friendly Axor helmet with a pin lock fitted visor.


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